~ May You Be Inscribed/Sealed/Blessed (Baruch) ~

"Hear (Shema), O Israel (Yisrael): The LORD (Elohim Aleph-Tav) our [YHWH], The LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] is one (echad); and you shall love the LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] your [YHWH] with all your heart (lev), with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength." (Deut. 6:4-5, Mark 12:29)
Shalom to all [TTOY] readers . . . It's been awhile, since I've posted, I do apologize and I was suppose to share some info in this next post about (NWO - New World Order) and the (Coming of Yeshua) but I was led by the Ruach HaKodesh to post what He spoke to me after the death of Dr. Myles Munroe (a very prominent international minister), and his lovely wife Ruth Munroe along with seven other individuals including the two pilots on board of the lear jet, who died in the jet plane crashing on 11/09/2014 and I could not understand the "WHY" and the following is what the Ruach HaKodesh spoke concerning his death.

This is the beginning of my judgement on the so called (CHURCH).
Many of them know my truth but will not abide in my truth - will not teach it - will not live it. They choose to ignore it and when they choose to purposely ignore my laws, my word, my truth - I have to turn my back and ignore them and I can't give my angels charge over them and my blood cannot cover them - because when one choose to ignore, disobey my laws, my commandments, they are in sin and when one is in sin and refuse to repent and keep that which is "HOLY" unto me - my blood cannot cover them. I have to withdraw my hands of protection from them - I cannot give my angels a charge to keep them because of disobedience, because they reject my truth, my word, my laws, my commandments.
Obedience is better than sacrificial - "DISOBEDIENCE".
Many of them know my truth but will not abide in my truth - will not teach it - will not live it. They choose to ignore it and when they choose to purposely ignore my laws, my word, my truth - I have to turn my back and ignore them and I can't give my angels charge over them and my blood cannot cover them - because when one choose to ignore, disobey my laws, my commandments, they are in sin and when one is in sin and refuse to repent and keep that which is "HOLY" unto me - my blood cannot cover them. I have to withdraw my hands of protection from them - I cannot give my angels a charge to keep them because of disobedience, because they reject my truth, my word, my laws, my commandments.
Obedience is better than sacrificial - "DISOBEDIENCE".
(Selah - Pause, Ponder, Think On This)
Many leaders are going to be struck down.
Top leaders - In their "LEAR JETS" (Many Will Become Afraid To Fly) and from their pulpits, they will drop dead; because they have led my people astray and "Judgement starts at my house first and then the Judgement of the world."
(1 Peter 4:17)
(1 Peter 4:17)
Before I come - my house (Church/Body) has to get in order for I am a God (Elohim) of order, discipline and because of disobedience, my time of discipline has arrived.
(1 Corinthians 14:33)
(1 Corinthians 14:33)
Not only "DISCIPLINE" but "MY WRATH".
They say they love me, they say they love me - But yet, they don't love me enough to obey me and keep my commandments - And if one disobeys me they sin against me and I (The Word) cannot keep them because they have not kept my (WORD).
(John 14:15)
(John 14:15)
They have rebelled, they have rebelled and now I discipline their rebellion for rebellion is an abomination unto me because it is the same as practicing witchcraft and witchcraft is rebellion against me and my law, my (WORD).
(1 Samuel 15:23)
(1 Samuel 15:23)
I'm going to tear down the so called (Church) and establish my true (Church/Body) that will abide in my truth, keep my truth, be doers of my (WORD) and by being doers of my (Word/Keepers of My Commandments/My Laws) - My people, my (True Church) will be a witness to the world -That I am a "God/Elohim" of "TRUTH" and "Holiness" and that one must be "HOLY" to enter my kingdom and if one does not have the works of "Holiness";
(1 Peter 1:16)
(1 Peter 1:16)
They are not "MINE"!
I shook and I shook and "Myles Munroe" knew my "TRUTH" - Because I taught him and he reject what I both taught and instructed him to do concerning "My Truth", "My Commandments", "My Laws".
To "REJECT" - "My Laws" is to - "Reject" - "ME"!
I gave him much knowledge, intellect and wisdom, beyond what I gave most, but he would not accept my truth concerning my shabbats/sabbaths and he was fruit that was attached to the vine, was shaken and now has fallen in death because he rebelled against my truth after my "RUACH HAKODESH/HOLY GHOST" had woo and woo and he would not give in, he would not bow, he would not obey - because he chose to hold to tradition, because of men, rather than to obey me, the one and only, true and living "God/Elohim".
(Numbers 15:31, Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7-9)
(Numbers 15:31, Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7-9)
He did not bear the fruit which I gave him to bear . . .
Fruit of "HOLINESS".
(Romans 6:22)
(Romans 6:22)
Keeping that which is "HOLY - My Shabbats, My Laws, My Commandments, My Holy Word" unto me. Fruit of "Holiness" is what I seek and my saints/children must bear, to be pleasing living holy sacrifices unto me.
(Exodus 20:8-11, Leviticus 23, Romans12:1)
(Exodus 20:8-11, Leviticus 23, Romans12:1)
If my children, disobey and are partial in any point of my commandments, they are guilty of breaking them "ALL" and practice iniquity.
(Matthew 7:21-23, James 2:10)
(Matthew 7:21-23, James 2:10)
Sacrifice of "DISOBEDIENCE" - Does not (PAY) - It "DESTROYS" -The precious lives of my people.
(John 10:10)
(John 10:10)
If one does not acknowledge the "Deity/Authority of Jesus - Yahushua HaMashiach" - they have a (Anti-Christ/Anti-Mashiach/Anti-Messiah) spirit and is a (Dead Branch);
(John 15:6, 1 John 2:18)
Even as they walk/live and breathe - THEY ARE ALREADY - "DEAD"!
(John 15:6, 1 John 2:18)
Even as they walk/live and breathe - THEY ARE ALREADY - "DEAD"!
When one refuses to keep "Holy" that which is "Holy" to "God/Elohim" - He denies the (Deity), the (Authority) of "God/Elohim".
To deny His authority is to rebel and to rebel is to practice witchcraft which is an abomination unto "Thee Almighty" and one shall receive the punishment , wrath of (ELOHIM)" - "WHY"?
(1 Samuel 15:23)
(1 Samuel 15:23)
Because of "DISOBEDIENCE".
(1 Samuel 15:22)
(1 Samuel 15:22)

Added To This Post - 12/27/2014
Added To This Post - 12/27/2014
Added To This Post - 12/28/2014

Is the words that Dr. Myles Munroe speaks, out of his mouth (in the videos above); concerning "Jesus/Yeshua - The Kingdom"; actually what "Jesus/Yeshua" Himself said out of His own mouth about Himself or His (KINGDOM)?
If the "Gospel/Good News" is not about "Jesus/Yeshua" than how can it be . . ."The Gospel/Good News"?
That's what the "Good News" is all about - "JESUS CHRIST OF NAZERETH/YESHUA HAMASHIACH - God/Elohim - All by Himself and besides HIM, there is none other!!!"
Without "Jesus/Yeshua" - There would be no "KINGDOM"!
There's a "KINGDOM of God/Elohim" because there's a "KING".
Without the "KING - Yeshua/Jesus Christ of Nazereth", there would be no "KINGDOM OF GOD/ELOHIM"!
The "Gospel of Jesus/Yeshua" is all about Him and His finished work on "Calvery's Cross" and His "Kingdom to Come"
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3)
Dr. Myles Munroe was a good, godly man (and I loved him, his death greatly disturbed me) and so was Cornelius in the bible, a good/godly man; "God/Elohim" - Heard and answered his prayers but he had to be shown a more excellent way by Apostle Simon Peter, who abided in the "TRUTH OF YHWH". If we twist anything which "God/Elohim" has said, than we are "LIARS", not "God/Elohim" because He is not a man that He should "LIE" nor does He need to repent of anything which He has said. It is not good living, good preaching/teaching, tickling ones ears, fame, fortune and popularity, owning a lear jet or anything else that we possess in this materialistic world that will enable us to enter the Kingdom of "YHWH" but it is "HOLINESS" that equips and qualifies, counts us worthy to enter into the "HOLY KINGDOM OF ELOHIM". Amein.
I pray that many who read this will not strive to do things our way but "God's/Elohim's" - (WAY) which is the (WAY OF HOLINESS) and there's no other (WAY) so let's strive for the (WAY - HOLY AS HE IS HOLY) that we might enter the "HOLY KINGDOM OF ELOHIM" and be with Him "FOREVERMORE". Amein.

Note: Next Post - "TTOY" will share some info with you about
the "New World Order" and the coming of our "Saviour-Yeshua HaMashiach". Until then -
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