Sunday, December 1, 2013

Is Thanksgiving OK To Observe?

~ May You Be Inscribed/Sealed/Blessed (Baruch) ~

"Hear (Shema), O Israel (Yisrael): The LORD (Elohim Aleph-Tav) our [YHWH], The LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] is one (echad); and you shall love the LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] your [YHWH] with all your heart (lev), with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength." (Deut. 6:4-5, Mark 12:29)

 Is Thanksgiving OK To Be Observed & Is It Biblical?

Partial Article From "World To Come":

In examining the origins of popular holidays, some may wonder if "Thanksgiving Day" is a biblical holiday, or whether it is rooted in paganism, as some have claimed. Though not specifically mentioned in the Bible, "Thanksgiving" is different from most other national holidays. In fact, many nations celebrate their own unique harvest festivals. Deceived by Satan (Rev. 12:9), the world at large is cut off from the true God. Therefore, it should not be surprising that even such harvest festivals occasionally become tainted with the worship of heathen deities. Although such ancient festivals were usually influenced by paganism, history shows "Thanksgiving Day" as practiced in North America was unique. The originators of this day focused upon giving thanks for an abundant harvest, sorely needed for survival. Being centered on giving thanks to the "Creator" is a major distinction in origin that separates "Thanksgiving Day" from holidays tainted with pagan origins, such as Easter, Valentine’s Day, Christmas or Halloween. But does God allow Christians to participate in holidays even if they are not associated with paganism? To find the answer, we must examine [God’s Word—the Holy Bible]. God has allowed the recording of certain scriptural accounts so that those who diligently search it can find the answers to their questions. John 10:22 records Jesus Christ being present at a Jewish celebration called the Feast of Dedication. This day was a yearly anniversary of the purification of the Temple at Jerusalem (in about 165 BC) after it was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes. This was not a day of riotous parties or celebrations. It was a national holiday commemorating a respectable and solemn event. This account clearly shows that [Christ Himself] was with the Jews as they gave thanks to God on this special day.
In the book of Esther, we read that through the inspiration of God, Mordecai and Esther established the Feast of Purim.” This day was a yearly commemoration of the Jews overcoming persecution from Haman, the prime minister of King Ahasuerus.
Notice Mordecai’s and Esther’s proclamation, confirming the keeping of this day: “And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed. Then Esther the queen, the daughter of Abihail, and Mordecai the Jew, wrote with all authority, to confirm this second letter of Purim” (9:28-29).
These days were not to be observed with the same degree of honor and reverence as [God’s Holy Days], which represent specific parts of His Master Plan of salvation. Rather, these celebrations were simply for remembering important national events. The examples of Christ, Mordecai and Esther show that God permits that customs commemorating honorable moments in national history be kept—but only if they are kept in control, done in a proper manner and kept free of any pagan influence!

Note: Next Post - "TTOY" will share with you concerning "Chanukkah/Hanukkah". Until then - ~ "SPREAD SOME SHALOM"~.

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Friday, March 8, 2013


~ May You Be Inscribed/Sealed/Blessed (Baruch) ~

"Hear (Shema), O Israel (Yisrael): The LORD (Elohim Aleph-Tav) our [YHWH], The LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] is one (echad); and you shall love the LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] your [YHWH] with all your heart (lev), with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength." (Deut. 6:4-5, Mark 12:29)

My Passover/Pesach Story:

"Pesach/Passover" is so special to me it's a "Holy Feast Of YHWH" which comes once a year and it's a time to reflect and remember both the "Pesach/Passover" in Egypt and when "YESHUA" suffered, died on Calvery's Cross, was buried and resurrected that He might redeem man back unto Himself and give man the opportunity to once again, "Eat From The Tree Of Life" and live an "Eternity" with the "King of Kings & Lord of Lords"!!! I had never observed "Pesach/Passover" but the "Ruach Ha Kodesh" instructed me to keep my first "Pesach/Passover", 34 years ago, and it consisted of a "Pesach/Passover" meal of roasted lamb, bitter herbs, unleaven bread and kosher wine. The roasted lamb representing the "Sacrificial Lamb of YAH" who would be sacrificed to take away the sins of the world, the unleaven bread, represented His sinless life and one (Anointed One) who was without spot or blemish, the bitter herbs, to remember the bitter suffering of the Hebrew Israelites in the land of Egypt and the bitter suffering of our "SAVIOUR"; the wine to represent the "Blood of the Lamb" which redeemed the souls of the Hebrew's in Egypt from death and which cleanses man and wash his sins away; redeeming him too from the "Death Angel" and giving him "Eternal Life" with "God/Elohim" forevermore. Thanks (Todah Rabah) "YESHUA" for the shedding of His precious blood for without it, we would be lost with no chance of "Living Forever" with Him our "Saviour-Yeshua HaMashiach"!!! "The First" and "The Last" - "Alpha and Omega"; the "Beginning & the End" of "ALL" things. He's our "Hope of Glory"!!! Amein [Ah-mein].

Note: Next Post - "TTOY" will share with you concerning "Unleavened Bread". Until then - ~ "SPREAD SOME SHALOM"~.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

~ Is The Tithe Law Still In Effect ~

~ May You Be Inscribed/Sealed/Blessed (Baruch) ~

"Hear (Shema), O Israel (Yisrael): The LORD (Elohim Aleph-Tav) our [YHWH], The LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] is one (echad); and you shall love the LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] your [YHWH] with all your heart (lev), with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength." (Deut. 6:4-5, Mark 12:29)

Is The Tithe Still Alive & Well:

There is no scripture to support "Tithe Paying" after the resurrection of "YESHUA". The "TITHE" was a covenant "YAHWEH" made strictly with the tribe of "Levi" because He chose them to serve Him in the temple, as well as other Levitical duties. They had no inheritance with the other 11 tribes. It is the other 11 tribes that were required to provide a "TITHE" of their increase to support the tribe of "Levi" and the "Levitical Priesthood" in turn, also had to pay a "Tithe of the Tithe" which they received, to the "Aaronic Priesthood" to support Aaron and His sons who were also priest of "YeHoVaH". "YESHUA" is now our high priest and is of the tribe of "Yehuda/Judah" and so there is no "Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood" in existence now and therefore there is no obligation to pay a "Tithe" as ministers in "Christendom/Christianity" preach and teach people to pay to their ministry to support the ministry. This is a false erroneous teaching because "Yeshua" never instructed his disciples/believers to pay a "Tithe" but the Apostle's and the believer's in Acts, supported the ministry of the apostles and other believers needs were supported by "Freewill/Love Offerings" and not a ""TITHE": matter fact if you read (Acts 4:36, 37) Barnabas who was a Levite from Cyprus, who took and sold land that he owned and took the money, brought it to the Apostles and laid it at their feet for them to distribute to the brethren which were in need. If the "Tithe Covenant" was still in effect after the resurrection of "Yeshua"; than a Levi would not even have had land to sell but through the shed blood of "Yeshua" the Levi and anyone else who believes in "Yeshua", has the same rights/inheritance as anyone else who is in the body of "HaMashiach". Another thing you might also want to consider is that if the whole entire world of "Christendon/Christianity" is crying "Tithe,Tithe, Tithe . . . One needs to be on guard and not follow the crowd because the "CROWD" is usually going in the wrong "DIRECTION"!!! I thank "YeHoVaH" that I'm a "LONER" who follows "Yeshua HaMashiach" and strives to do what "Thus saith "YeHoVaH" and not follow the "ERRORS" of the "Roman Catholic Church" because if you do your research; you will be able to trace back the incorporation of the "Tithe" into the "Church" the same way they; supposedly, "By the authority of Jesus Christ" as His "VICAR"; they too are responsible for changing the "Holy Sabbath/Shabbat" as a day of worship to "YeHoVaH" to "Sunday Worship"!!! Beware of anything than can be traced back to the "Roman Catholic Church" incorporating/instituting into doctrine of the "ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH" and "ALL" her whore daughters which are known as denominations (Demon-nations) and are all a part of "CHRISTENDOM/TRADITIONAL CHRISTIANITY"!!!

I show these videos below because I was deceived for many, many years until I learned the "Truth"and the "Rauch/Holy Spirti" begin to deal with me and teach me "Truth" about the ""Tithe". These videos below, helps too support what I wrote above and what thee "Rauch/Holy Spirit" showed me while I was living in Guatemala about the "Tithe". Pray that many will allow the precious "Rauch/Holy Spirit" to open their eyes also and stop being deceived by "HaShatan the Devil"

Note: Next Post - "TTOY" will share with you concerning "Pesach/Passover". Until then - ~ "SPREAD SOME SHALOM"~.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013


~ May You Be Inscribed/Sealed/Blessed (Baruch) ~

"Hear (Shema), O Israel (Yisrael): The LORD (Elohim Aleph-Tav) our [YHWH], The LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] is one (echad); and you shall love the LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] your [YHWH] with all your heart (lev), with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength." (Deut. 6:4-5, Mark 12:29)

About Chanukah/Hanukkah:

This is really being posted late and after the time to celebrate "Hanukkah" but I wanted to provide some info as promised, so that "TTOY" readers can have it available at a later date for reference.

History of Hannukkah:

The events that inspired the "Hanukkah" holiday took place during a particularly turbulent phase of Jewish history. Around 200 B.C., Judea—also known as the Land of Israel—came under the control of Antiochus III, the Seleucid king of Syria, who allowed the Jews who lived there to continue practicing their religion. His son, "Antiochus IV Epiphanes", proved less benevolent: Ancient sources recount that he outlawed the Jewish religion and ordered the Jews to worship Greek gods. In 168 B.C., his soldiers descended upon Jerusalem, massacring thousands of people and desecrating the city’s holy Second Temple by erecting an altar to Zeus and sacrificing pigs within its sacred walls. Led by the Jewish priest Mattathias and his five sons, a large-scale rebellion broke out against "Antiochus" and the Seleucid monarchy. When "Matthathias" died in 166 B.C., his son Judah, known as Judah Maccabee ("the Hammer"), took the helm; within two years the Jews had successfully driven the Syrians out of Jerusalem, relying largely on guerilla warfare tactics. Judah called on his followers to cleanse the Second Temple, rebuild its altar and light its menorah—the gold candelabrum whose seven branches represented knowledge and creation and were meant to be kept burning every night.

The Hanukkah "Miracle":

According to the Talmud, one of Judaism’s most central texts, "Judah Maccabee" and the other Jews who took part in the "Re-Dedication"of the Second Temple witnessed what they believed to be a miracle. Even though there was only enough untainted olive oil to keep the menorah’s candles burning for a single day, the flames continued flickering for eight nights, leaving them time to find a fresh supply. This wondrous event inspired the Jewish sages to proclaim a yearly eight-day festival. (The first Book of the Maccabees tells another version of the story, describing an eight-day celebration that followed the "Re-Dedication" but making no reference to the miracle of the oil.)  (John 10:22)                                                

Note: Next Post - "TTOY" will share with you another personal testimony of me "Amiriyah Mizrah Yisrael". Until then - ~ "SPREAD SOME SHALOM"~.

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