~ May You Be Inscribed/Sealed/Blessed (Baruch) ~
"Hear (Shema), O Israel (Yisrael): The LORD (Elohim Aleph-Tav) our [YHWH], The LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] is one (echad); and you shall love the LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] your [YHWH] with all your heart (lev), with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength." (Deut. 6:4-5, Mark 12:29)
I'd like to start out this testimony by apologizing for not having posted for a long, long time but my faith is truly being tested now; by being afflicted with the attacks of "HaShatan the Devil" against my physical being and of course when your attacked physically, it has it's toll on you emotionally as well, but glory be to the "Almighty YeHoVaH"; I'm holding on to "YAH's" unchanging hand and I'm standing still, waiting on Him, until my change and healing is manifested by the "Might & Power" of His "Rauch HaKodesh"! Amein. "For it's not by might, nor by power, but by my "Spirit/Rauch"; thus saith "HaShem". Amein. I may be going through a mighty "Spiritual Attack but I'm strong in the "Rauch" and I know, that I know, that my "MIRACLE" is on it's way and that with the stripes of "Yeshua", I were healed for "I am the healed of the Almighty YeHoVaH". Amein & Amein. I do ask for your prayers from all over the world; that as you agree with me for my healing of #1) - Cerebral Aneurysm, #2) - Vertigo, #3) - Chronic Hypertension; that "YeHoVaH" will be in our midst, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there will I be in the midst of them"; and I know He will honor the prayers of His children. I pray that as you pray for me, "YHWH" will answer your prayers also. Amein (Ah-mein). (Isaiah 53: 4-5, / 1 Peter 2:24 / Zachariah 4:6, / Exodus 15:26, / Psalm 103: 2-4, Matthew 18:20, / Ephesians 6:10, / 1 Samuel 12:16, / Luke 18:27 )
Note: Next Post - "TTOY" will share with you about
the miraculous, virtuous, divine healing power of "Yeshua HaMashiach". We believe that He still works
"Miracles"!!! Until then -
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