Saturday, February 2, 2013

~ Is The Tithe Law Still In Effect ~

~ May You Be Inscribed/Sealed/Blessed (Baruch) ~

"Hear (Shema), O Israel (Yisrael): The LORD (Elohim Aleph-Tav) our [YHWH], The LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] is one (echad); and you shall love the LORD [Elohim Aleph-Tav] your [YHWH] with all your heart (lev), with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength." (Deut. 6:4-5, Mark 12:29)

Is The Tithe Still Alive & Well:

There is no scripture to support "Tithe Paying" after the resurrection of "YESHUA". The "TITHE" was a covenant "YAHWEH" made strictly with the tribe of "Levi" because He chose them to serve Him in the temple, as well as other Levitical duties. They had no inheritance with the other 11 tribes. It is the other 11 tribes that were required to provide a "TITHE" of their increase to support the tribe of "Levi" and the "Levitical Priesthood" in turn, also had to pay a "Tithe of the Tithe" which they received, to the "Aaronic Priesthood" to support Aaron and His sons who were also priest of "YeHoVaH". "YESHUA" is now our high priest and is of the tribe of "Yehuda/Judah" and so there is no "Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood" in existence now and therefore there is no obligation to pay a "Tithe" as ministers in "Christendom/Christianity" preach and teach people to pay to their ministry to support the ministry. This is a false erroneous teaching because "Yeshua" never instructed his disciples/believers to pay a "Tithe" but the Apostle's and the believer's in Acts, supported the ministry of the apostles and other believers needs were supported by "Freewill/Love Offerings" and not a ""TITHE": matter fact if you read (Acts 4:36, 37) Barnabas who was a Levite from Cyprus, who took and sold land that he owned and took the money, brought it to the Apostles and laid it at their feet for them to distribute to the brethren which were in need. If the "Tithe Covenant" was still in effect after the resurrection of "Yeshua"; than a Levi would not even have had land to sell but through the shed blood of "Yeshua" the Levi and anyone else who believes in "Yeshua", has the same rights/inheritance as anyone else who is in the body of "HaMashiach". Another thing you might also want to consider is that if the whole entire world of "Christendon/Christianity" is crying "Tithe,Tithe, Tithe . . . One needs to be on guard and not follow the crowd because the "CROWD" is usually going in the wrong "DIRECTION"!!! I thank "YeHoVaH" that I'm a "LONER" who follows "Yeshua HaMashiach" and strives to do what "Thus saith "YeHoVaH" and not follow the "ERRORS" of the "Roman Catholic Church" because if you do your research; you will be able to trace back the incorporation of the "Tithe" into the "Church" the same way they; supposedly, "By the authority of Jesus Christ" as His "VICAR"; they too are responsible for changing the "Holy Sabbath/Shabbat" as a day of worship to "YeHoVaH" to "Sunday Worship"!!! Beware of anything than can be traced back to the "Roman Catholic Church" incorporating/instituting into doctrine of the "ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH" and "ALL" her whore daughters which are known as denominations (Demon-nations) and are all a part of "CHRISTENDOM/TRADITIONAL CHRISTIANITY"!!!

I show these videos below because I was deceived for many, many years until I learned the "Truth"and the "Rauch/Holy Spirti" begin to deal with me and teach me "Truth" about the ""Tithe". These videos below, helps too support what I wrote above and what thee "Rauch/Holy Spirit" showed me while I was living in Guatemala about the "Tithe". Pray that many will allow the precious "Rauch/Holy Spirit" to open their eyes also and stop being deceived by "HaShatan the Devil"

Note: Next Post - "TTOY" will share with you concerning "Pesach/Passover". Until then - ~ "SPREAD SOME SHALOM"~.

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